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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Response poem to the song 'Be my Lady'

                      "  I am Yours "

                      I can be your lady
                      But in the right time; right time to be with you
                      I am sorry this time; but I really appreciate what you do
                      Appreciation is the only way I can give
                      I can be your lady
                      You will be my stem, and I am your flower
                       just wait for a minutes; someday we can be together
                      you will be the cause of my smile and laughter.

                     I can be your lady
                     But I will never forget my past
                     it give me a lessons
                     that lead me to the beautiful future
                     If we will be together,
                     I will make you as inspiration
                     to step forward for the future
                    You will be mine, and I am yours.

                    I will believe in you
                    If your actions will do

                    I will let the sun shine into my heart
                    to burn my past that was hurt,
                    and light the dark inside my life
                    to make a brand new start,
                    new start with you...and
                    our love will last until forever
                    forever we will be together.

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