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Tuesday, February 21, 2017


"The Hidden Beauty"

     The world composed of many beautiful places and one of that places is the Philippines. Philippines have many beautiful tourist spots and cultures that has been discovered and cultivated but there are some places that are still hidden and undiscovered, especially the Jimenez, Misamis Occidental. It is composed of twenty-four barangays and there is this one barangay that made me experience lots of adventure, the barangay Carmen. This barangay is a rural place. It was a big province that has many chilling rivers and beautiful mountains like the mount Aquino that I visited many times. According to a legend, this mountain is called barangay before. The mount Aquino is very alluring and stress-relieving, from the peak of the mountain you can see the whole city of Jimenez. Its beauty is world class but because of its location on the top of barangay Carmen, it is tiring to do mountain climbing and other activities, plus the fogs, that's why only few people dared to go there. On the other mountain, Mount Malindang, you can find a waterfall and a hot spring; the hot spring forms like a lake. Old people said that it has a volcano under the water, that's why it is hot.

      Moreover, it is also a mysterious place because of the roots of the trees called
"Balite" holds the water of the spring as a barrier so it would not flow. Even though the hot spring is totally magnificent, it is still not the main attraction of the barangay because the most visited spot is the Kalutungan falls. The falls is very high and the water is very cold; as in cold even if its noon. The scenery is very captivating but it is still not very known by everybody because it is hidden. Some tourists who visited this places take some rest in Mayor Quimbo's garden; they can sleeping a cottage and feel the refreshing air. This garden is very quiet and it has different beautiful flowers and trees before, but the other flowers died now because of the lack of maintenance. When I was there, I enjoyed taking some pictures and picking some flowers. I also enjoyed staying in the third floor of the cottage because I can see the whole city of Jimenez.

      One of my target in this summer is to visit the Jojuma falls. It was discovered by uncle Josepth Cabug. Jojuma stands for Joey, Juven, and Marjorie, who are the daughter and sons of uncle Josepth. According to my cousins who visited there already, this falls is much more beautiful than Kalutungan falls because it has two falls and the water is also very cold and deep. It is surrounded by trees and big rocks, which makes me more interested and excited to go. Jimenez has many beautiful and amazing natural sceneries already and yet there is still some that is not discovered and that's what I want to do this summer together with my cousins.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Concrete poetry


Sometimes full and
sometimes half.
A very big bulb,
that will light up
the earth when
the night comes.



                     Full of colors
                     Living things on earth
                    Open their petals in the morning
                    Winds are their musics
                    Everyday they  are beautiful
                    Resting if night comes

Response poem to the song 'Be my Lady'

                      "  I am Yours "

                      I can be your lady
                      But in the right time; right time to be with you
                      I am sorry this time; but I really appreciate what you do
                      Appreciation is the only way I can give
                      I can be your lady
                      You will be my stem, and I am your flower
                       just wait for a minutes; someday we can be together
                      you will be the cause of my smile and laughter.

                     I can be your lady
                     But I will never forget my past
                     it give me a lessons
                     that lead me to the beautiful future
                     If we will be together,
                     I will make you as inspiration
                     to step forward for the future
                    You will be mine, and I am yours.

                    I will believe in you
                    If your actions will do

                    I will let the sun shine into my heart
                    to burn my past that was hurt,
                    and light the dark inside my life
                    to make a brand new start,
                    new start with you...and
                    our love will last until forever
                    forever we will be together.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

quote of life 2

                             Challenges are what make life interesting
                             and overcoming them is what makes life 

Sonnet (free verse)

    'I Love You because I Hate You'

     First time I meet you
     You've got into my nerves
     I really really hate you!
     My feelings was so weird;
     But salt becomes a sugar
     Its like hate turn to like
     I am rich that is a beggar
     Asking you to be part of my life
     And my heart is jumping and jumping
     When I saw you anywhere
     as it goes out when you're smiling
     especially when you're getting near
     And I don't want to go away
     as I wanted to see you everyday.




Wonderful nature,
 His beautiful creation
A gift for people


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

quote of life

                                             You were given this Life
                                              because your strong enough to live it.



   The human creature are classic,
   pretender, crocodile tears, and materialistic;
   using others to become better
   an attitude that really taste bitter!

   You are strong friends today?
   oh, no wonder if she leave you someday!
   True friends help each other
   help each other to become better

    I help my friends for good
    to let them walk in straight road;
    And I don't like someone
    who are using everyone!

    Friend, be naturalistic
    I hate materialistic!
    You must know to be independent,
    avoid being dependent!